ABTAnet Link Only Submission Page

Guidance for ABTA Members and Detailed Instructions (version 1.2)


This submission page gives advice and guidance on how to provide information to ABTAnet to enable your Internet WWW (WorldWideWeb) page to be included in ABTAnet indexes. It does not include detailed ABTAnet pricing or benefit information. This information has been previously mailed to you, and is available for reference at


Once you have put together the information needed you should fill in the data entry areas below the explanations of the various items which follow and then press the SUBMIT TO ABTAnet button at the foot of the page.

Information Needed for Link Only Option

The information needed by ABTAnet to create your WWW entry is:

The following paragraphs give guidance on each of these in turn, together with advice on how to get the best out of your WWW listing. Please take some time to read and absorb the advice, preferably away from the hurly-burly of the office. If you still have questions about how to proceed contact the ABTECH Helpline on 0345-581339.

Company Name or Trading Name

This should be the name or brand under which you trade with the public, and which you want to see featured.

If you want to list more than one brand or business name, you will need to complete multiple Link Only applications.

Contact name

A person within the company with responsibility for your website

ABTA Number

Your URL

Please enter the URL to be used within your ABTAnet listing. Simply enter it in its full form - i.e. http://www.doodah.day/index.html.

Keywords/ phrases for listing on indexes

ABTAnet intends to build indexes of member company specialisations to make it easier for consumers to find ABTA members with appropriate expertise. The exact structure of these indexes has not yet been established, though it is likely that there will be indexes based on destination specialisation, and on holiday types (e.g. ski, adventure holidays).

Note that in the short term there are no plans for a full keyword search for consumers on all ABTAnet entries, although this will be considered at a later date.

Member requests for keyword/ phrase entries will dictate the structure of the indexes created. ABTAnet reserves the right to list companies under best match indexes where the exact keyword or phrase requested is not featured.

Key words or phrases requested must accurately reflect real specialisations of your business. ABTAnet aims to build indexes that instil confidence in consumers that the companies listed can indeed offer specialist advice.

Up to five keywords/ phrases may be requested. If you specify more, ABTA will use its judgement on the five indexes best suited to your needs. Please only enter one keyword or phrase in each box.

(Keyword 1)
(Keyword 2)
(Keyword 3)
(Keyword 4)
(Keyword 5)

Strap Line

The strap line is a short text field of 40 characters which will be displayed wherever your company name features in an index. You should choose the wording carefully to complement the information the consumer already has about your company from the index(es) where you are listed. This particular field is very important. Why should a consumer go to your pages rather than another company listed on the same index? If it simply repeats information already apparent to the consumer from the index he is looking at, you are probably missing a trick.

Email Address (Sales)

Please provide us with an email address to where sales enquiries can be sent.

Email Address (Web Administration Matters)

You need to provide us with your email address in order for us to let you know when your ABTAnet index link(s) are in place.

ABTAnet will also use this email address to inform you of matters relating to your ABTAnet agreement, such as renewal dates. There are unlikely to be more than four emails per month from ABTAnet/ ABTA to your mailbox. In the event that ABTA wish to use your email address for other forms of communication, your permission will be sought in advance.