Association of British Travel Agents

ABTAnet Offers Submission and Updating Page

ABTA Members: Use this form to upload (or amend) an Offer to the ABTAnet site. If you have not received your Unique Password you will not be able to use this form.
To request a Unique Password, go to the Password Request page. In case of difficulty call ABTECH on 01747-821490/ 821480.


This submission page gives advice and guidance on how to provide information to ABTAnet to enable your offer to be listed on the ABTAnet Offers Page. 

Good practice tip: We recommend that you key your offer text first into a text editor or word processing software and then cut and paste into the appropriate form fields. That way if the form contents are lost or the log-in fails for some reason, you will not have to re-key your offer text, and you will also have a file note of the offers you have uploaded.


Enter your ABTA number and your unique password. The password will have already been sent to you via email and is different from the normal Members Area access password. (If you wish to update an existing offer, enter your ABTA number, your unique password AND in the right hand box, the reference number of the offer to be altered. Press the UPDATE EXISTING button to retrieve and display the stored information.)

(ABTA Number)

(Unique Password)

(Reference Number)

Company Name or Trading Name

This should be the name or brand under which you trade with the public, and which you want to see featured in the Offer Heading..

Earliest travel date

Latest return date

Offer expiry date

This is the date on which you want us to remove the offer from the database.

Offer URL

If the offer is featured on your own web site please list here the fullURL of the page concerned:

Holiday/ travel type

Please categorise the travel offer. We will use this in future to match consumer travel requirements. This description will not be listed in your offers page.

Offer Keywords/ phrases

In a later phase, we plan to list relevant offers as part of the listings displayed when visitors search on given Destinations/ Specialisations. The keywords you enter here will be used for matching with consumer search terms in much the same way as they are now for Banner Advertising.

Up to three keywords may be requested. Please only enter one keyword in each box.

(Keyword 1)
(Keyword 2)
(Keyword 3)

Offer Strap Line

The strap line is a text field of 80 characters which will be displayed wherever your offer is listed. It should describe succinctly the nature of the offer. Characters beyond 80 may be truncated, giving an untidy appearance to your offer.

Offer details

Describe the offer to the consumer.

Next Action?

Give instructions to the consumer on how to book/ request availability etc. Quote telephone numbers, email addresses or specific URLs, and booking references if required.

Banner Indicator keyword

If you have different banner graphics in use for different advertising keywords, use this field to indicate the relevant banner for putting on your offer page. If you have the same banner in use for all your keywords, or are in any doubt, please leave this field blank.

(Advertising Keyword)


Indicate the ATOL licence which covers the offer, and whether this is your own licence or you are acting as an agent for another licence holder.

offered under our own ATOL licence number as indicated below
acting as agent for ATOL licence holder number as indicated below
offered as non-ATOL-licenceable arrangements

ATOL Licence Number:


I understand that the offer details above will be uploaded to the ABTAnet offers database and made available to the general public. I confirm that we are capable of fulfilling the offer as described. 

If there are limitations on the offer I have made them clear in the Offer Details section. In the event that we become unable to fulfill the offer at any time before the expiry date indicated above we will amend the offer details to make this clear to consumers.

I accept that we are fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided and agree to indemnify ABTA and ABTECH in respect of any liabilities they may incur due to any inaccurate or out of date information provided by us.

By clicking on the SUBMIT button below I agree to these conditions.
