ABTAnet Exchange - Frequently Asked Questions
How frequently is the members list updated?
The main members list pages, for both agents and operators, are updated monthly. However, details of companies which have left ABTA or had their membership terminatedare added daily. For up to the minute information contact ABTA on 0891 202520. Details of new companies joining the association are added monthly. See also
Conditions of Use
I cannot find the company I am looking for but I am sure they are members. Why is this?
If they have recently joined ABTA they may not yet have been added (see above). Otherwise, it may be because you are searching for their trading name as opposed to their registered company name. If they are agents, look carefully through the appropriate PostTown listing. If they are tour operators, please check with ABTA on 0891-202520. ABTAnet will look at more sophisticated search mechanisms in subsequent releases of Exchange.
How does Exchange decide whether to send a message via email or fax?
If a member office has an email address known to ABTAnet, then this is used as preference. This increases your chances of receiving a prompt reply. Otherwise, if a fax number is listed, delivery will be to that fax number. If neither email nor fax addresses are listed, the SEND MESSAGE option will not be displayed. Members with an email address may have elected to have messages delivered by fax.
I have just received a strange message . What is this?
It is a notification that your message, scheduled to be delivered by fax, has not been able to be so delivered. ABTAnet Exchange tries to deliver faxes a number of times, but may have to give up eventually if there is no carrier detected, or if the line is permanently engaged for example. It is a fact of life that some agencies turn their faxes off overnight because of the quantity of junk faxes received.
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