How does the enews service work?
If you send out a consumer newsletter by email, just add the email address we provide you with into your email list.
We will then receive your newsletters and re-publish them on
Currently the newsletters are re-published at:
The service is free, and it extends the reach of your newsletter to a new audience on Consumers who see your newsletter for the first time at may then go on and subscribe directly to it.
---What is the email address that I should add to my list?
We are not publishing the address online to try to minimise the spam that we receive. But if you contact ABTECH expressing an interest, we will email you back with the correct address.
---What about trade newsletters/ broadcasts?
We plan to investigate these in due course. Many of the email broadcasts to agents we have seen use attachments - maybe Excel or Word documents - and decoding these sensibly is tricky.
I have already added the appropriate email address to our list but I can't see any newsletters online at yet. Why is that?
The first thing to do is to look at our Live Senders list at:
If you are on that list, then don't worry - the system is in beta testing at the moment and we probably lost some of your newsletters in the process. The next one you send should show up online. If it doesn't then its possible you are sending emails with different FROM addresses and we haven't picked that up yet. Contact ABTECH for an update.
If you are not on the Live Senders list, then either we don't know about you for some reason, or we haven't figured out how to decode your particular format. Contact ABTECH for an update.