Searching ABTAnet:
Databases, Search Methods, Hints.The ABTAnet Search facility searches three separate databases:
- ABTA Members Database:
This database contains all the usual information about ABTA members: company name; trading name; address; telephone and so on. The database is updated daily, and ABTA makes all reasonable endeavours to keep it accurate.
This same database is also used to produce the annual ABTA Members Handbook. Requests to update information should be made by the ABTA member concerned to the maintenance authority: ABTA's Information Bureau on 0845 177 ABTA (2282).
- Tour Operator Specialisations/ Destinations Database:
This database is updated annually based on returns to a questionnaire sent out to ABTA Tour Operator members. The information is also used to answer consumer enquiries by ABTA. Requests to update information should be made to the maintenance authority: ABTA's Information Bureau on 0845 177 ABTA (2282)..
- ABTA Member WWW Data:
This database is updated weekly based on registration requests from ABTA members. Requests to update information should be made to the maintenance authority: ABTECH via the Registration Request Form
Searches (which are all case-insensitive) are carried out as follows:
- ABTA Number:
searches the ABTA Members Database only looking for an exact match on ABTA Number.
- Company Address:
searches the ABTA Members database only, looking in all address fields (address/ posttown/ postcode) for a match. Partial entries work, but may give rise to many matches, as may specifying "London", "Manchester" etc. Only the first 25 matches are displayed.
- Destination Country/ Area:
searches first the ABTA Member WWW Data for keywords supplied by ABTA members listing their sites (see Registration Request Form), and then the Tour Operator Destinations Database. If you are having difficulty matching terms, this list of current Country/ Area categories may be helpful. You can also try the scripted destination search.
- Specialisations/ Interests:
searches first the ABTA Member WWW Data for keywords supplied by ABTA members listing their sites (see Registration Request Form), and then the Tour Operator Specialisations Database. If you are having difficulty matching terms, this list of current Specialisation/ Interest categories may be helpful.
- Company Name/ Trading name:
searches the ABTA Members database first and then a database of trading names. Partial entries work, but may give rise to many matches, as may specifying "travel", "limited" etc.. Only the first 25 matches are displayed.